Saturday, February 28, 2009


Moody day~
Hope next time wont happen the same matter~

Monday, February 23, 2009

KAREN is back!!!

Long time no update blog already~
Guys,thank you for viewing my blog^^
And also thanks for those who post at the SHOUT OUT box~
Form 3 life is quite busy,feel like time not enough to use cause time pass very fast~
Besides study,im a dancer...
Sometimes after back from school i have to prepare and out from house for a show~
Maybe for you,you'll feel tired..
But for me,its fun and deserve i do that,cause i'm interest in this field~
I knew many new friends in B.C,love them so much~
They're crazy and funny and kind also~
Im sitting for PMR this year,hope everything is ok~
Hope i can do well in everything,no matter study or working(perform)~
I need my dear friends to support me~
Yoyoyoyo!!! Wish me LUCK ok??...
Let's 'add oil' together!! ('',)